What is EC Pull-Out?
EC Pull-Out is an organic acid-based crystal powder for removing light cement smears, excess grouting, efflorescence, limescale and other mineral deposits.
Suitable for use on glazed ceramic tiles, unglazed quarry tiles, unpolished natural stone surfaces, bricks and masonry surfaces not harmed by mild acidic chemicals. DO NOT use on polished stone surfaces, terrazzo tiles, colored cement tiles, metallic glazed tiles and metals.
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To use,
For removal of light efflorescence, mix 4 to 6 tbsp of EC Pull-Out to 1 gallon of clean water (2% solution).
For heavy-duty cleaning and etching of concrete floors, mix 1.5 cups of EC Pull-Out to 1 gallon of clean water (10% solution).
For installations with gray grouting, mix 0.75 to 1.5 cups of EC Pull-Out to 1 gallon of clean water (5% to 10% solution).
*Test on an inconspicuous area before using
*For surface preparation, make sure that concrete surfaces and Portland cement groutings are cured for at least 10 days. Remove all grease and oil deposits using EC Clean before proceeding. Ensure the surface is wet at all times during the process.